MISSA SHOP: This on-line shop is to support artists who may or may not have their own on-line shop and to diversify the revenue stream for MISSA due to the cancellation of the main summer programs.

MISSA SALON: An off set of the on-line shop containing items that have been donated by participating artists. All proceeds of the sale from these pieces goes to MISSA in response to COVID-19 cancellations.  Donating artwork to the Salon is completely optional.

This new initiative  supports Friends of MISSA, the very important community of artists who make up the membership of this organization. We value you, appreciate you and want to continue to support you through these challenging times!


If you are interested in selling your artwork through the MISSA Shop, please complete this form.

    You will need to be a Current Friend of MiSSA in order to be able to sell your work in the MISSA SHOP & Salon. You can become a Friend with a $25 annual membership fee. You can buy your membership on our website at https://missa.ca/friends-of-missa/ YOUR MEMBERSHIP WILL EXPIRE ANNUALLY IN THE MONTH YOU PURCHASED IT.
  • MISSA will be collecting GST on the sale of items in the MISSA SHOP.
  • Please include title (f applicable), basic description (including any relevant background), medium, size (W x H in inches/feet), weight (if applicable, in pounds) and any other relevant information such as dishwasher safe or fragile etc.
    After a purchase, you will be put in touch with the customer to make delivery arrangements.
  • If shipping is less than $10 please include it in the total cost of your piece. Please state your cost for shipping and handling in increments of $5. ($15, $20 etc).
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
      Please label your images with the following: NAME_item_# (of images)_SHOP (Eg. SMITH_bluevase_3_SHOP) You can include up to 3 images of one piece of work if you want to show the piece from different angles (often important for 3D work)
    • Please include title (f applicable), basic description (including any relevant background), medium, size (W x H in inches/feet), weight (if applicable, in pounds) and any other relevant information such as dishwasher safe or fragile etc.
      After a purchase, you will be put in touch with the customer to make delivery arrangements.
    • If shipping is less than $10 please include it in the total cost of your piece. Please state your cost for shipping and handling in increments of $5. ($15, $20 etc).
    • Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
        Please label your images with the following: NAME_item_# (of images)_SHOP (Eg. SMITH_bluevase_3_SHOP) You can include up to 3 images of one piece of work if you want to show the piece from different angles (often important for 3D work)
      • Please include title (f applicable), basic description (including any relevant background), medium, size (W x H in inches/feet), weight (if applicable, in pounds) and any other relevant information such as dishwasher safe or fragile etc.
        After a purchase, you will be put in touch with the customer to make delivery arrangements.
      • If shipping is less than $10 please include it in the total cost of your piece. Please state your cost for shipping and handling in increments of $5. ($15, $20 etc).
      • Drop files here or
        Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 8 MB.
          Please label your images with the following: NAME_item_# (of images)_SHOP (Eg. SMITH_bluevase_3_SHOP) You can include up to 3 images of one piece of work if you want to show the piece from different angles (often important for 3D work)
        • Please include title (f applicable), basic description (including any relevant background), medium, size (W x H in inches/feet), weight (if applicable, in pounds) and any other relevant information such as dishwasher safe or fragile etc.
          After a purchase, you will be put in touch with the customer to make delivery arrangements.
        • If shipping is less than $10 please include it in the total cost of your piece. Please state your cost for shipping and handling in increments of $5. ($15, $20 etc).
        • Drop files here or
          Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 8 MB.
            Please label your images with the following: NAME_item_# (of images)_SHOP (Eg. SMITH_bluevase_3_SHOP) You can include up to 3 images of one piece of work if you want to show the piece from different angles (often important for 3D work)
            The MISSA SALON is a section of the SHOP that has items that have been donated with 100% of the proceeds going directly to MISSA due to the impact of COVID-19 on our summer programing. This is an on-going section of the SHOP and is separate from other fundraising events such as auctions. All donations will receive a tax receipt for the value of the item.
          • .
            After a purchase, you will be put in touch with the customer to make delivery arrangements.
          • If shipping is less than $10 please include it in the total cost of your piece. Please state your cost for shipping and handling in increments of $5. ($15, $20 etc).
          • Drop files here or
            Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 8 MB.
              Please label your images with the following: NAME_item_# (of images)_SALON (Eg. SMITH_bluevase_3_SALON) You can include up to 3 images of one piece of work if you want to show the piece from different angles (often important for 3D work)